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Sun Fun Sailor built from plans in Science & Mechanics Oct 1962
Hi, I wish to advertise and sell my Moth built by my brother in the 1960’sFor Sale : Sun Fun Sailor built from plans in Science & Mechanics Oct 1962.Includes trailer and 2 sails. Wood construction hull, mast and boom.Hull bottom was fiberglassed when built in the 1960’s.Located in Appleton Wisconsin.Asking $900.00. Contact Ron Aavang @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call cell # (920)904-2167.
early Ventnor
This is an early Ventnor with an unknown registration number.

Jean Gruhler's Ventnor -- Ventnor Moth # 661, Maine
For sale: Ventnor Moth # 661, built by Ventnor Boat Works in West Atlantic City NJ in 1944.
The boat was rebuilt (restored) by Jean A Gruhler in both 1967 and 1991, found its way to Maine
in 2014.
She would like to sail and race again, but we do not have the time.
It has a new paint job, by a professional boat builder.
Sails, spars, both rudders all in very good condition.
Has a cradle
Sale price $1,100.
Contact Lynn Cottrel at <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ed Salva - Belgium Roland Europe wood deck nick named Harry Winston
For sale:
Roland Europe with wood foils a Forté carbon mast that is stiff and a Europe sail.
Contact Ed Salva @
Florida Mach design Moth -- Free -- Western NC